M&Ms As A Starting Point In Art

Today we had a parent come in to do some art with our children. He is a keen amateur artist/photographer and has been wanting to come in and help us do something with the kids for a while now. He has just returned from a trip to the North of …

Painting Like Jackson Pollock with Spaghetti

I’ve been searching for art related activities for this half-term and came across this site when looking for Jackson Pollock activities: How to use spaghetti to paint like Jackson Pollock on Instructables.com It has step-by-step instructions on how to do the activity which can also be downloaded as a PDF …

Online Colouring

Catching up on some of my feeds in Google Reader I came across a site for colouring in online. It is the last week of half-term for us here in Bangkok so was looking for a couple of fun activities for my 4 & 5 year olds for tomorrow’s ICT …

Cartoons with Stripgenerator

I was looking around del.icio.us as I often to to pass sometime and found this website stripgenerator.com. I quickly made a cartoon strip (shown at the bottom of the post) in a couple of minutes with little inspiration, yes I know it shows! You get a set of characters, objects, …

Photo Editing in Picnik

There are loads of editing tools about for use on or off line. There are times when Photoshop is just too much, or as is often the case at school not available on the PC your working on. Picnik is like Picassa and will allow you to do the usual …