Google Timeline Search Comes To An End

A while ago now, 4 years to be precise, I wrote a short post on Google Timeline Search and how it could be used in the classroom along with my thoughts. I was excited about the ability to see key/interesting events of a given period on a timeline and could …

Twitter In A Year 1 Classroom

This week I have started to use Twitter in my Year 1 class. Twitter is a great way to engage children with, and give themĀ a reason for writing. This term was chosen as we currently have 10 eggs in the year group as we wait for them to hatch. Setting …

Choosing a Child at Random

The Problem: It’s a very regular event in my classroom that a child will need to be selected to do something. Often this is a task that isn’t child / level specific so anyone would be suitable. I don’t notice that I can end up choosing the same child more …

M&Ms As A Starting Point In Art

Today we had a parent come in to do some art with our children. He is a keen amateur artist/photographer and has been wanting to come in and help us do something with the kids for a while now. He has just returned from a trip to the North of …