Choosing a Child at Random

The Problem: It’s a very regular event in my classroom that a child will need to be selected to do something. Often this is a task that isn’t child / level specific so anyone would be suitable. I don’t notice that I can end up choosing the same child more …

ICT in the Early Years Website

It’s the end of a week and I’m running short on energy for went for a surf to find some interesting ideas for the next couple of week’s ICT lessons. I eventually ended up having a look around this site: I’ve made a quick note of my thoughts to …

Food & Healthy Eating Unit in Early Years: 12 Useful Sites

This half term I’ll be doing a Healthy Eating / Food unit with my Reception Class. Below is a list of some of the sites that be using for ICT based resources. – Make a face using fruits for the shapes. – A-Z with fruit. – Australian …

7 Useful Sites for a Dinosaur Unit in Early Years

Next half term I’ll be doing a Giants/Dinosaur unit with my Reception Class. Below is a list of some sites that I’ve found useful when looking for ICT based resources. I have added to it as I go along so there are now 9! – You can build your …

Online Colouring

Catching up on some of my feeds in Google Reader I came across a site for colouring in online. It is the last week of half-term for us here in Bangkok so was looking for a couple of fun activities for my 4 & 5 year olds for tomorrow’s ICT …