Choosing a Child at Random

The Problem: It’s a very regular event in my classroom that a child will need to be selected to do something. Often this is a task that isn’t child / level specific so anyone would be suitable. I don’t notice that I can end up choosing the same child more …

Educational Widgets for Google Docs

I’ve just finished reading an article on the Google Docs blog : Spotlight on Developers: Educational Spreadsheet Gadgets it highlighted a few gadgets that you can now use within Google Docs to create resources that would be helpful in the classroom. They had links to making flashcards, creating an interactive …

7 Useful Sites for a Dinosaur Unit in Early Years

Next half term I’ll be doing a Giants/Dinosaur unit with my Reception Class. Below is a list of some sites that I’ve found useful when looking for ICT based resources. I have added to it as I go along so there are now 9! – You can build your …

Pictopus from ICTopus

I have written in the past about ICTOPUS, the ICT resources website. Last week their email shot contained a link to the Pictopus gallery – a collection of images suitable for use in school. All of the images on the site are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution licence, which …