Timeline Searching in Google

I was looking at the experimental searches available in Google and got to thinking about using the timeline one for History. You can search for a concept, or anything else and the results will be displayed on – yes – a timeline. http://www.google.com/views?q=victorian+england+view:timeline&esrch=RefinementBarTopViewTabs To the left is the search I …

Photo Editing in Picnik

There are loads of editing tools about for use on or off line. There are times when Photoshop is just too much, or as is often the case at school not available on the PC your working on. Picnik is like Picassa and will allow you to do the usual …

Lijit Contact

In the modern world where everyone is faceless and you can use services without ever knowing anything about them other that how to use it I was very surprised to get an email from Barney who is an evangelist for Lijit. It was a very friendly note thanking me for …


Well, I’m not sure I am as far as the on-line established world goes. Anyway I’ve transferred the site I had put up here in the holidays for my forthcoming Year 5 class to the school domain, and am now wondering what, other than a test site I can use …